
看外在 很久以来,我一直在思考隐藏在事物背后的含义。当听到一首音乐,我会想这首音乐在诉说什么故事,而忽略其本身的婉转动听;当看到一束美丽的鲜花...

August 18, 2022

Dynamic Programming Problems

max sum of consecutive number in an array [5, -1, 3, -5, 2] => 5+-1+3=7 O(n) dp, O(n log n) divide and conquer Longest common substring in two string “abcdef” “ade” => “de” O(n^2) dp Longest common subsequence in two string “abcdef” “ade” => “ade” O(n^2) dp

January 23, 2022

Summary of 2021

2021 总结 最佳游戏 开车 P4G 今年在游戏上是失败的一年,没有玩过什么好游戏。最好玩的是开车,其次是Persona 4 Golden,但还没通关,也没什么通...

January 1, 2022

Different program use different net link under Linux

Why Sometimes, you may want your program use one specific net device, because your net devices have different network access abilities. ...

December 8, 2018

Nginx rewrite: last, break or default

前言 最近了解了一些nginx的知识,上网查看了一些资料,特此做一些分享。 ...

November 3, 2018